Friday, December 24, 2010

Merry Christmas

Only one more sleep !!

Despite all my good intentions to be organised and not partake in the last minute Christmas rush  - today I was at the shops getting most of our gifts - so kids are all sorted, husband sorted, both sides of the family done, and all the food shopping is packed away!!! 

I have a last minute clean of the house to complete the picture.  I had grand plans of having all the washing and ironing competed -but alas that seems to be a task that will wait until after the joy and excitement of Christmas day fizzles - and at 36oC out it is far to hot for ironing!!! (lets not kill this justification with the fact that we do have an air conditioner and it is really very cool and pleasant inside)!!!

So I wish you all the happiest for your Christmas day!!! May you have a wonderful time filled with family and friends and love and joy and much laughter.

I am hoping that the man in the red suit bring us an early sea breeze - we are expecting a hot Christmas day - 38oC!!


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